To earn $CATI on Bitget PoolX

 To earn $CATI on Bitget PoolX, you participate by locking your $CATI tokens to receive airdropped TON (The Open Network) tokens. This process is part of Bitget’s PoolX initiative, designed to reward participants with popular tokens from specific projects like TON in exchange for locking other assets. In this case, you lock $CATI tokens, which are associated with the Catizen ecosystem, a gaming and Web3 project integrated with Telegram and the TON blockchain.

The total airdrop pool consists of 53,000 TON tokens, and the rewards are distributed based on your share of the total $CATI locked by all users. Bitget takes hourly snapshots to calculate how much of the airdrop you will receive, making this process dynamic, with distributions happening every hour. For example, if you lock your tokens at 10:00 AM, the platform will take a snapshot at 11:00 AM, and the airdrops will be distributed by 12:00 PM.

The minimum amount you can lock is 10 $CATI, and the maximum is 1,000,000 $CATI. You are free to unlock your tokens anytime during the event, but the more you lock and the longer you keep them locked, the higher your share of the TON airdrop. The event started on September 20, 2024, and will run until September 30, 2024. The estimated annual percentage rate (APR) for this pool is about 83.02%, although it may fluctuate depending on overall participation.

To participate, you need a verified Bitget account, and you must adhere to the platform’s terms and conditions. Only individual accounts are eligible for the promotion, and institutional users or multiple accounts are excluded.

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